Max Kong is a highly sought-after international footwear designer based in Malaysia. As an award-winning designer, she has achieved remarkable success in designing and creating footwear collections for various international brands, showcasing them at major fashion shows across Asia. Max has served as the Chief Designer for Greater China at MCM Footwear and Hush Puppies for over a decade, where her exceptional skills in product planning and meticulous attention to detail have been prominently displayed.
Max has also held positions as a senior merchandise planner for numerous multimillion-dollar brands, including Chanel, Dior, SKII, TWG, Godiva, Jimmy Choo, Salvatore Ferragamo, Giuseppe Zanotti, Bally, Versace, Hugo Boss, and Ralph Lauren, totalling over 100 international brands.
Her last corporate role involved leading the Aldo brand in the Malaysian market, where she successfully transformed its key product line.
Currently, Max owns MaxKong Bespoke Shoes, MK Innovative, MX Design, Bowbow, HNJ, and MX Maniere, forming a comprehensive custom footwear studio. She is a certified TTT trainer and course consultant under the Malaysian Human Resource Department, and a training coach at the Selangor HR Development Centre. She has trained over 70 brands in the footwear industry and more than 500 emerging designers, helping them establish their own “self-created brands” with the slogan “Made in Malaysia.” In 2023, she participated in revising and rebooting the industry’s TVET training plan, which had not been updated since 1998, and is honored to be recognized as a Subject Matter Expert in this historic undertaking.
Moreover, Max was awarded the Malaysia Women Biz Award in 2021. She stated, “We are a group of passionate individuals who aim to reduce the Earth’s burden by transforming waste materials into recyclable materials, with each pair of shoes making a difference.”
In 2022, she acknowledged by Britishpedia as an emerging international designer in bespoke industries. Always joyful in her creativity, Max brings a fresh vibe to fashion and the market. Without ever imagining establishing a dedicated high-end custom shoe service, she opened her unique bespoke shoe studio in KLCC, Kuala Lumpur, in 2023.
She continues to work steadfastly towards her dreams, striving to strengthen and expand the Malaysian-made footwear brand globally, ensuring every shoemaker in Malaysia can support themselves, their families, and their teams.
Max Kong 是备受追捧的国际鞋履设计师,常驻马来西亚。
她在MCM Footwear和Hush Puppies担任大中华区首席设计师超过十年,展现了出色的产品规划能力和对细节的高度关注。
Max 还担任过多个数百万品牌的高级商品区域策划,包括Chanel, Dior,SKII,TWG, Godiva, Jimmy Choo、Salvatore Ferragamo、Giuseppe Zanotti、Bally、Versace、Hugo Boss和Ralph Lauren等等超过100个国际品牌。
目前,Max Kong 是MaxKong Bespoke Shoes、MK Innovatie, MX Design、Bowbow, HNJ 和 MX Maniere的拥有者,这些品牌组成了一个全方位的定制鞋履工作室。
她致力于培养未来的鞋履设计师,新设计师品牌并且也协助新设计师如何实现梦想设立自己的“自创品牌”,她的口号就是“大马制造”。2023年参与编写行业TVET 培训的策划并且重启从1998年未成更新的行业培训策划一一改写历史,被推荐为行业的策划顾问(Subject Matter Expert)她很荣幸的可以有机会参与这一项历史上的见证。
另外Max Kong 于2021年获得马来西亚女性商业奖。
2022 年也被 British Pedia 评选为世界行业具有影响力的设计师。她总是快乐的创作给予时尚和市场上焕然一新的气象。从没有想过要成立专属高级定制鞋专门服务的她就这样在2023 年在位于KLCC市中心的位置开启了一家属于自己独一无二的高级定制鞋工作室。